1. Supported Databases with injection methods
2. Multi-Thread
3. HTTPS Support
4. Proxy support
5. Automatic database detection
6. Automatic type detection (string or integer)
7. Automatic keyword detection (finding difference between the positive and negative response)
8. Automatic all parameter scan
9. Trying different injection syntaxes
10. Options for replacing space by /**/,+,... against IDS or filters
11. Avoid using strings (magic_quotes similar filters bypass)
12. Manual injection syntax support
13. Manual queries with result
14. Bypassing illegal union
15. Full customizable http headers (like referer,user agent and ...)
16. Load cookie from site for authentication
17. Http Basic and Digest authentication
18. Injecting URL rewrite pages
19. Bypassing mod_security web application firewall and similar firewalls
20. Bypassing WebKnight web application firewall and similar firewalls
21. Real time result
22. Guessing tables and columns in mysql
And 20 more features are present in it :p
Download : Here
Password : www.aldyfreestyle.com
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