Simple Background SlideShow with jQuery | Aldy Freestyle Blog

Simple Background SlideShow with jQuery

It's a small wonder that many jQuery plugins were developed with the intention of easily introducing pretty slideshows to display and rotate series of images. However, almost none of these slideshow plugins utilize the idea of rotating CSS backgrounds. :)

<!-- jQuery Library -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Simple Background SlideShow Script -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Call ssBG.SlideMyBG() function after the page fully loaded -->
<script type="text/javascript">$(window).load(function(){ssBG.SlideMyBG()})</script>

<!-- Advanced settings -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var MYlist=[
"" // No coma at the end of list
var MYstyle='diurut aje bang dari awal ye'; // Default is random
var MYspeed=10000; // Delay between image changes
var MYbgPos='top center'; // background-position

var MYbgSize='100%'; // background-size (you may try auto 100%)
var MYbgRep='repeat-x'; // repeat-y, repeat, no-repeat


<!-- To add a new collection into an existing, you may use ssBG.gbr.concat(list1,list2) -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var MYlist1=[
"" // No coma at the end of list
var MYlist2=[
"" // No coma at the end of list

ssBG.SlideMyBG('','sort','','','auto 100%');


I am always receptive to any thoughts/suggestions you might have, so have words with me in the comments.

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